Chemical analysis of pork's blood showed a high content of uric acid (uric acid), a chemical compound that is harmful to human health, which is means it toxic. In other words waste of uric acid in the blood that formed due to incomplete metabolism caused by the purine content in food. In human body, these compounds are released as manure, and 98% of uric acid in the body, removed from the blood by the kidneys, and thrown out of the body through urine. Medical science knows that the pig as a host of many kinds of harmful parasites and diseases, biochemistry system of pigs spend only 2% of the entire content of uric acidnya, while the remaining 98% stored in the body. Consumers often complain about the smell of pork in pork urine (according to scientific research, the reason is because praeputium pigs often leak, so the pig urine seeps into the meat).
Pigs are the animals most squalid and filthy, Like eating his own feces and carcass (dead body). Really like to be in a dirty place, not like being in a clean and dry. Pigs lazy animals and do not like to work (look for the feed), not resistant to sunlight, not agile, but ate greedily (rather eat and sleep), even the greediest among other tame animals. If it adds age, so more and more lazy & weak (not eager to pounce and defensively).
Pigs are animals that greed is unmatched in eating other animals. They ate all the food in front of them. If the stomach is full or the food had expired, he will vomit his guts and eat it again, to satisfy their greed. They will not stop eating, even eat vomit. Sometimes he peed on stools and eat it if it was in front of them, then eat it again. They was eating garbage and animal feces. Pigs are the only mammals that eat the soil, eat them in large quantities and in a long time if left unchecked. People who eat pork skins will issue a bad odor. Modern scientific research in the two Eastern & Western countries, China and Swedia state:
"Pork is the major cause of anal cancer & colon".
The percentage of patients with this disease in countries whose inhabitants eat the pigs, increased dramatically, especially in the countries of Europe, and America, as well as in Asian countries (like China and India).Meanwhile in Islamic countries, the percentage is very low, approximately 1 / 1000.
Pigs contain many parasites, bacteria, viruses and even dangerous, so it is said as a disease reservoir. Because of swine, avian influenza virus so virulent. Normal AI virus (strains H1N1 and H2N1) will not be transmitted directly to humans.

Pork is the meat that is very difficult to digest because it contains a lot of fat. Although soft and looks so delicious and tasty, but it's difficult to digest pork. Proverbial toxins, such as cholesterol! In addition, pork causes many disease: hardening of the arteries, increasing blood pressure, chest pain that gripped (angina pectoris), and inflammation of the joints.
Around the year 2001 ever happened to the American doctors had issued a worm that develops in the brain of a woman, after some time experiencing health problems which she feels after consuming a typical Mexican food is famous in the form of pork, hamburger (ham = pork, because originally, the hamburger is from pork).The women asserted that he was feeling tired (fatigue) for 3 weeks after eating pork. It because the worm eggs stuck to the intestinal wall in the body of the woman, then moves along with the blood circulation to its end, namely the brain. And when the worm reaches the brain, it causes mild pain at first, until they died and could not get out of it.This causes dis-function is very hard on the arrangement of organs in the area surrounding the worm in the brain. Taenia Diseases (cacing Pita) is a very dangerous disease that occurs through the consumption of pork. They develops in the intestine 12 fingers in the human body, and a few months it will become adult worms. The number of Taenia diseases can reach about "1000 tail with a length of between 40-10 meters", and continue to live in the human body and remove the eggs through the defecatation. worm eggs reach the stomach if ingested or when proglotid turn from the intestine into the stomach. The embryo then released in the stomach and penetrate the intestinal wall, then going to the muscles, organs, brain and tissue under the skin, where they form cysts.
Source: Islamic Contextual Studies, Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University.
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